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Russia to Allow Foreign Residents to Own and Use Digital Ruble

The central bank of Russia intends to ensure that the digital ruble is convertible to foreign currencies and can be used by non-residents. In a document devoted to the digitalization of the Russian financial sector, the regulato…

‘There’s More Work to Do’ — 11 Years Ago, Satoshi Nakamoto Sent a Final Message to the Bitcoin Community

To this day, Satoshi Nakamoto is one of Bitcoin’s biggest mysteries as people have searched far and wide to uncover the creator’s identity. 11 years ago, on December 12, 2010, the pseudonymous blockchain programmer (or programme…

Power Utility Sues Russians Mining Cryptocurrency at Their Homes, Raises Electricity Rates

A Russian power utility has found a way to increase electricity prices for consumers mining cryptocurrency using household electricity. The regional distribution company has taken dozens of amateur miners to court and has alread…

Russia’s Federation Council to Set Up Working Group on Crypto Regulations

The Federation Council of the Russian legislature is forming a working group expected to propose comprehensive regulations for cryptocurrencies. Officials from several ministries and government agencies, as well as members of th…

Thailand Doesn’t Prohibit Crypto Use for Payments but Warns of Price Fluctuation

Bank of Thailand’s officials say that using cryptocurrency as a means of payment is not illegal. However, they added that users “must be able to accept the risks,” including price fluctuation. Using Crypto to Pay for Goods and …

Inflation Plagues American Economy: US Consumer Prices See Fastest Rise in Close to 40 Years

The consumer price index (CPI) data released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show prices in the United States climbed 6.8% in November compared to 12 months ago. It’s the largest rise in close to forty years, and U…

Bitcoin Mining Company Cleanspark to Kick-Start 20 MW Immersion Cooling Initiative

Cleanspark, a sustainability-focused bitcoin mining company, has announced it will kick-start a 20 MW initiative in its Norcross bitcoin mining facility where miners will be cooled via immersion. The company will host more than …

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